
Study 3

Temporal construal and mood on food consumption.
(Gardner et al. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2014;24(3):320–335)

Aim: To study mood and temporal construal effect on food consumption.
Outcome: healthy or indulgent food?
Participants: 151 undergraduate students

Mood and temporal construal were measured using specific Likert scales. Participants during tasks could not see each other, and had the possibility to eat M & M's and/or raisins. Researchers classified M&M's as indulgent food and raisins as healthy one. Remaining M & M's and raisins on each participant’s plate , were counted and weighed on a small kitchen scale.

Results: A positive mood led to a greater proportional consumption of raisins (healthy food). Present-focused temporal construal reduced this effect and people were more likely to eat indulgent foods (M&M's)

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Gardner MP et al. Better moods for better eating?: How mood influences food choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2014;24(3):320–335